Heya, guys! Keeping it short today, as I've got Valentine's plans with myself that involve me getting very intoxicated very quickly. And no, it's not funny when I write intoxicated; it's just dumb.
While talking to Laur the other day, I realized something. I'm happy again. After years of misery and mope, I'm hitting my stride, waking up with a smile on my face, and being insufferably cheery to those unfortunate enough to cross my path. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to have confidence and to grin for no good reason.
Don't get me wrong; not everything's sunshine and bunnies. I still have a ballsload of shit to take care of. I still have to quit smoking, get myself back into some semblance of shape. But I'm back.
And damn, does it feel good.
Happy Valentine's Day, y'all. High fives all around.
ERHMAHGEERRD HERRRPY. Good on you darlin'.