Friday, March 8, 2013

On the little moments.

It started innocuously, or at least innocuously for me in Brooklyn on a Thursday night, anyway - The Count and I were catching a Wasabassco show at The Way Station when the first performer lost a pastie (pasty?  I've never had to singularize the word.) to an overenthusiastic twirl.  I chuckled at the mishap, as did many of the patrons.

But then I realized the potential of the situation.  A chance at an unlikely occasion, a possibility to relive a moment I'd only seen on Arrested Development.  And sure enough, three performances and an intermission later, I was able to turn to my compatriot and say, in all seriousness and truth:

"That's the seventh nipple I've seen today."

Because let's face it.  It's the little things in life.

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