Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week of yelling, day 6.

Listen up, five o'clock in the morning.  No one wants to put up with your shit.

Look at you.  You're right in the middle of when a proper fucking night of drinking ends and a normal fucking human gets up for work.  There isn't a single goddamn sane person in the world who wants to fucking see your still-dark outside ass.

Nobody likes you, you sticky-ball-sucking assfarmer.  Not the people who have to set their fucking alarms to meet you, not the people who are already up doing their goddamn jobs, not the people who are waking up in the middle of a good night's sleep, bleary and irritable, to pee.  You are somehow both too fucking late and too fucking early.

So shut the shit up with the cockass birds and the fucknut trash trucks, you goatsack hotard.  Mind your fucking business and keep your hands to yourself.

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