Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On a couple of things I've learned over the years.

A recent birthday has the gears turning. And while I still don't have the time to sit down and write a proper blog, there are a couple of things that keep showing up in recent history. Some things I've known for years, some things I'm just finding out, some things I just needed a refresher in.

1. You're never really alone. Somewhere out there, someone's gone through the same shit and someone knows exactly how you feel. The human experience is not, for the most part, original. Take comfort in that.

2. Good people are usually found in clumps.

3. A hangover is best worn on the face. It lowers expectations.

4. Almost everything you need to know about someone can be found on the internet. The operating adjective in that sentence, of course, being 'almost'.

5. The most impressive people you meet don't give a shit that they're impressive. They're too busy blowing your fucking mind.

6. It doesn't matter if you grind your fair-trade coffee in a burr grinder so your mineral water can drip through a sustainable bamboo filter, none of that shit will help you if you forget to plug in the goddamn machine.

7. The only thing that tastes better than free beer is stolen beer.

8. Unless they asked you, they probably don't care what you think.

9. People think letting someone in is like opening a door; that it's a conscious, one-time decision. But I think we're more fluid than that; if someone is there, in your life, it's only a matter of time before they bleed into you and you bleed into them.

10. It doesn't matter how many books on food science, poetry, and philosophy you have lying around; one dong on your whiteboard and you're on the same page as everyone else.

Cheers, guys. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Bookmarking this.

    1. Because I love you.
    2. Because this is perfect.
    3. Because I love you.
    4. Because 1-3
