May your story be a good one.
May you know your origins, for better or for worse. May you understand where you came from; may you think about and appreciate what motivates you and why.
May the conflicts in your tale come hard and fast. Let them shake you to your core and break you down. May your decisions be difficult, may making them force you to question who you are. May you not be blind to how shitty this life can be, and let that show you just how beautiful the good moments are. And may you emerge from each battle forged stronger and wiser, one step closer to the person you were meant to be.
May your denouement be long and tranquil. May you be confident and comfortable as your adventures continue. May you have the freedom to control your tale, to get what you've always wanted from it.
And when your story ends, may there be those who know it well. May it fill the hearts and mouths of those you held dear, to be told again and again long after you're gone.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.