Thursday, January 17, 2013

On sexism and the negative stereotype.

Before we get started, let me go ahead and tell you guys that this is not going to be nearly as serious a blog post as you think it is.


I love my cats.  I really do.  Alistair is quite possibly the cutest and most loving creature I've ever run across.  I could spend an entire Saturday scritching his belly while we're sprawled out on the bed, listening to him purr like a motorboat as he stares at me with unquestioning adoration.

And don't get me started on Zevran.  When I say he is the greatest cat in existence, it is no exaggeration.  He gets crazy eyes when he's about to play fetch with a wadded-up paper towel, he follows me room to room at my heels like a warlock's familiar.  He climbs on my shoulders so he can divebomb headbutt me.  Look at the little fucker.

That's me in the middle of making dinner.  I can wear him like a parrot.  If he'd bake muffins for me, I'd upgrade him to roommate.

That being said, I'm well aware I'm crazy.  I'm crazy about my cats.  I'm a crazy cat...

uh... hm.

Why is there no male analog to Crazy Cat Lady?  Why is it that when we envision a person living alone, humming in their house by themselves, cooking for one, wearing a frilly apron and singing to their cats, we see a woman?

That shit is sexist.  It ain't right.

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