Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On an expanding audience.

Huh. So apparently, more people are reading this thing than I thought. My brother and sister-in-law have been keeping up with me for a while, and now I've got coworkers newly friended on the Bookface perusing the annals.

I don't really know what I expected, to be honest. Maybe I've been laboring under the delusion that no one in my real life would be reading this stupid thing except you jagweeds up in New York and Pavel and Harriet down the street. And the coterie of interweb friends I've acquired by riding on Lauren's coattails.

I actually have to think about the material I put up now. I can't just liberally talk shit about my cohorts at work (not that I have, except you, Layney), I probably shouldn't be detailing the true extent of my devious past in front of my niece's parents. I guess all bloggers get to this point at one time or another, but it's still a little jarring.

Then again, in the four months this thing's been active, I'm already hot on the heels of I Hate This Cat in terms of pageviews. So there's that.

So, uh, hi, everybody. This is, uh... my blog. Nice to see you. Hope you enjoy yourselves.

(Layney, if you want some reading to do, I suggest the stretch I did for the Scintilla Project back in March. That's as good as my writing gets; everything before and after is pretty much garbage.)

1 comment:

  1. Do not stop writing as you would under any circumstance. The true writer realizes the dilemma is on their readers, and no on themselves.
